Core Values
Values are a part of us. They highlight what we stand for.
They can represent our unique, individual essence.
Values guide our behaviour, providing us with a personal code of conduct.
When we honour our personal core values consistently, we experience fulfillment.
In an ever changing world our core values are constant.
These are the 3 core values we base our code of conduct on.
These values were chosen as they will serve the learners in any situation; whether in a work or personal environment.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral standards
Respect - Honesty - Self-Discipline -
Excellence surpasses ordinary standards.
Accountability | Co-operation | Responsibility -
A disposition to do good.
Loyalty | Trust | Respect | Kindness | Compassion
Academic Values
- A maximum of 12 learners in Grade 1 and 2, a maximum of 14 learners from Grade 3 to 7.
- A Whole Brain approach to academics.
- Experienced, highly qualified, empathetic and caring staff that are specifically trained in remedial teaching and learning barriers.
- A multi-disciplinary team, working in close liaison with the class teacher.
- A multi-sensory approach to learning.
- The recognition of different learning styles and brain preferences through Enrichment Programmes.
- Concessions for Grades 4-7 include: scribes, readers, visual aids, extra time, laptops, tablets, voice recording of lessons (optional and subject to application).
- CAPS curriculum as per National standards. Lessons have been adapted to suit each learners’ specific learning style.